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Siobhán trained in the British School of Osteopathy in London. She has also completed postgraduate training for 2years at the Osteopathic Centre for Children in London, an international centre of excellence for the osteopathic care of babies, children and women during pregnancy and postpartum.


Osteopathy aims to improve function of the body structure, resolve the underlying cause for pain and reduce symptoms. Siobhán utelises structural, cranial and visceral Osteopathy, with a special interest in paediatric osteopathy.


Treatments for conditions include back pain, neck & shoulder pain, sciatica, migraine, headache, sinus pain etc. 


For babies and children; colic and reflux type symptoms, feeding and latch issues, reccurrent coughs and sleep issues etc.


Kildare Osteopathy clinic is located in Naas, on Kilcullen road.


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Contact us by phone or email to make an appointment or enquiry

I had a Frozen Shoulder which was very painful. I spent time and money on various procedures, which did not work. After one session with Siobhan, I had no pain. After 3 sessions, I was cured!

Thanks a million to Siobhán at Kildare Osteopathy for the post Dublin Marathon rub down and check over. I have no stiffness this morning and even can manage the dreaded stairs without trouble. I’m sure It would be a very different story without your help!

Siobhan is an excellent osteopath and I was delighted with the results from my sessions with her, highly recommend!

My two sons and I have attended Siobhán’s clinic for the past couple of years now. Our first visit was after my eldest fell off a tree during our Christmas holidays; another course of treatment was for my youngest who had pain in his knees -relating to his growth. Sprained wrist and broken ones have also been on the list of treatments … In any case Siobhán has always been very attentive, and knowledgeable. She is quite intuitive and gentle and does take time to explain to the boys and I what is going on with us.

Siobhan is a very skilled therapist; very professional in her approach. I got great help from her.

I attended Siobhan in order to seek relief from a sore neck and shoulders which I had endured for years. I was nervous about my first session as I expected it to be painful during and after the session. I was amazed to find the session involved only gentle movements and Siobhan explained everything as she was doing it which put me at ease. Given the gentle nature of the treatment I wondered would it be effective. However, I was amazed to find when reversing out of my car space immediately after the treatment that I had a huge increase in movement in my neck.
The session was not painful but yet the effect was amazing. I am delighted I found a drug free treatment that gave me such quick and effective results.
I found Siobhan to be very caring and knowledgeable in all areas of health. She gave me full focus and listened to everything that I was saying which I feel resulted in the very effective, holistic and drug free treatment I received. I would highly recommend Siobhan as she is a very experienced and caring Osteopath. I finally have long lasting relief from a pain I put up with for years.

I have been attending Siobháns clinic for neck and shoulder pain. A long commute in the car and sitting at a desk most of the day was contributing to the problem and I had no relief from the pain and discomfort.
Siobhán carried out a full assessment and pinpointed the problem areas almost straight away. I noticed a huge improvement after the first session and continue to see improvements after each follow up session. The treatment is light touch but extremely effective.
I’m delighted to have found Siobhán and would highly recommend her.

Siobhan works miracles! I couldn’t sit down with coccyx pain for any length of time after pregnancy. Even one session with Siobhan made a huge difference, would highly recommend.

After 12 weeks of crying all day every day, my little man is like a new baby! My only regret is not going to Siobhan sooner

For any burnt out new mother or to anyone whose baby is unsettled, I would recommend seeing Siobhan. In the early weeks following our sons birth, Siobhan took care of us. At the time it was just the thing I needed to help my own body heal and unwind. She also really helped my little man after he was born and we have brought him back a few times during bouts of teething. The way she works with him is really interesting and these sessions are always so informative and reassuring. I recommend Siobhan to alot of people 🙂

After 3 years of being in pain with my coccyx and seeing many professionals, I went to see Siobhán who made me feel better after only 1 session. I can’t thank her enough for everything she’s done for me. I would highly recommend Siobhán

Osteopathic Council of Ireland
Kildare Osteopathy Registered Osteopath
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